Got my MXS back yesterday and did a bit of playing around. One thing I'll say, right off the bat, is that the rear detector stand is pretty awful. I'm going to kludge something up for it ASAP. Performance-wise, it sure goes deep in highly mineralized ground.. just like my MXT Pro. Pinpoint will take a bit of getting used to, but is spot-on. Just like the MXT, I'm able to run it 'wide open' without overloading, and this in ground that will overload a GTI 2500 if the coil gets within 6" at any decent sensitivity. The threshold adjustment granularity isn't the greatest insofar as, with the provided White's headphones, a setting of 1 is too noticeable with the only other alternative being silent search. Has a nice and fast recovery speed now, though the tones don't seem as sharp as the MXT Pro, but I'd have to get it side-by-side to be sure. Will take a bit of getting used to, but liking it so far.