Man, you guys are kill'n me. I'm new to metal detecting and have fallen into it by accident...and can't stop doing it. I've owned a 1266 for years because I needed a metal detector for my garage to show off with the rest of my "stuff" but never used it. An ongoing road paving project (in my front yard) prompted me to dust it off and fire it up at which time I began started finding CW bullets, CW and pre CW buttons, and other cool things. Problem started when I showed the first button to my wife...she's using it more than I do now. I decided to get a second detector and decided to stay with Fisher just because I know absolutley nothing about any other brand. Anything over $100.00 doesn't come easy these days so I agonized for over 2 weeks during which time I bugged the day lights out of the people at Fisher asking questions, (which surprisingly enough seemed to lead to more questions) trying to decide which model to get. I finally decided (and ordered) the Edge and afterwords stumbled on this web sight. After reading all the postings, I'm now questioning my decision. I know it's not a "1200" model but opted for something different than the 1266 and newer techology. I'm looking for the best all around model for digging relics, old coins, (basically anything cool), etc. Oh yeah, and easy to use.... Is there a better model (dare I say brand) to suit my purpose?