Part V On the platform
The sun is trying to burn off the remainders of the river fog hanging over the yard like a blanket as we cross the Connecticut river and into Vermont. Moving through the yard, we pass freight cars on the right and a couple of old Budd cars and an early Rutland milk car that is now stored here. The old milk car has been in two movies that were shot here in recent years. Back in the forties, milk was shipped from the farms to the depot and then put into refrigerated cars in 30 gallon cans. Bulk milk is still measured today by the jug or 30 gallons.
Moving into the Bellows Falls yard, the freight office and then the Depot itself come into view. The yard switcher boys have left the platform lead switch lined for the main so we come to a stop just short and I swing down to throw it for the platform.
The yard has quite a varied lot of cars today, a few boxes, a few tanks and some log flats, most being in for repairs or service. There is a salt unloading pit on the farthest track but today it