Furious T said:
Monte mentioned a new 7" x 11" dd coil (which may be the new standard coil for the R2)...I think I will be waiting to see what that coil is like....ie. heavier, lighter, better balanced. Monte's reference indicated a better balanced coil, but I guess that does not mean it will be lighter. A matter of wait and see.
When the Racer was first introduced a year ago, the first thing I noticed when I unboxed my Racer was how nice the
'OOR' coil was on the Nokta FORS CoRe and I was glad to see the Racer came with that in the Pro-Pack.
Then I saw the stock coil ...

I gave it a thumbs down because it didn't look as good as the 7X11 on the FORS CoRe. It had a closer-to-the-rear rod mount point that hinted to a poor balance and coil-flop.
I use smaller coils most of the time, with a 5½X10 often being as big as I go with the exception of a beach [size=small](I seldom hunt them)[/size], a plowed field or a sports field or big grassy park. Still, I had to give it a try and just didn't like it. The balance was not comfortable, the coil would flop, and honestly, I thought it kind of looked 'ugly' when compared with the Nokta FORS 7X11 DD.
I did mention that in an e-mail about a year ago, and I also compared it with the well-balanced FORS CoRe. I mounted the FORS' 7X11 standard coil on the Racer [size=small](didn't turn it on as it wouldn't work)[/size] just to see the difference in balance. It felt much more comfortable, and nicely balanced with the rod-mount being closer-to-center. Part of the trouble at the time was also the very abrupt grip angle.
When we were sent a Racer 2 for evaluation, they only had the latest revised Racer 7X11 coil as the finished 7X11 coil project wasn't completed yet. Once again, I mounted my FORS CoRe 7X11 on the Racer 2 and it felt even better due to the improved 'S' curved grip style. I was hopeful at what I heard, and when the Racer 2 was officially announced, I went to the Makro website and looked at the proposed finished product. The coil on the display Racer 2 and in the fellow's hand looks strikingly the same as the Nokta FORS CoRe 7X11 DD coil, so I believe that is what we will see in size and style for the Racer 2.
Specific weight is less significant than the rod-mount location and balance.