Johnny Cache said:
My favourite hunting is coinshooting...are you saying that the AT Pro isn't great for people who want to primarily find coins? I was under the impression that the AT Pro had very good coinshooting capabilities along with excellent depth...
No that isn't what I am saying. If you look at the feature set of the AT PRO, it is clear (to me at least) that it was built primarily as a relic hunting machine. Look at the expanded iron range from 1 to 40 - that means 40% of the possible target ID numbers are dedicated to iron. That is helpful for relic hunters as we value some iron artifacts such as gun parts, canon balls, farm tools, etc. The expanded iron range is useful for telling such things from nails.
Also the proportional audio isn't as useful at finding coins as it is for relic hunting as you are often after deeper and older things and the proportional audio system can help determine whether your target is a big shallow one or a big deep one. Also most relic hunters want to hear the iron which is another feature on the AT PRO that is most useful for relic hunters.
Now all that said coins are just another type of relic and so the AT PRO being a good relic machine will also be good at finding coins.
So what I was saying that it is probable that Garrett will take the AT PRO technology and do some things like ditch the expanded iron range (make iron only go to 15 for instance so there will be more target ID numbers for coins). They can also switch to a concentric coil and incorporate their imaging technology which is extremely useful for determining if you have a coin sized target under your coil. There are also some other features that are useful more to coin shooters than anyone else that they have already put on other machines in their line up. So I bet they are going to come out with some sort of version of the AT PRO that is geared more towards coin shooting than the AT PRO is.
So to sum up, the AT PRO can find coins with the best of them, but there are lots of changes that Garrett can make to it, to make another new machine that would be easier and more fun to use to find coins.
I am relic hunter myself and so I think the AT PRO is very well designed towards that purpose and even if they did come out with a new coinshooting version of it, I would still stick with mine. I can't wait for the snow to melt so I can get back out on the farms, in the hay and corn fields.