An AT PRO forum on it's own would do fine, there's no question about it. However, what will be left? A generic Garrett forum with little direction, few leaders and no direction. What I think would be more practical, would be to create a new "ACE SERIES FORUM." There are a heck of a lot more ACE detectors and users out there, both ACE 250 & ACE 350, and the ACE 350 deserves a place where it can still expand, attract users and be compared to the ACE 250. The ACE Series still have a good potential to grow even more, and perhaps need a place where all questions ACE related treasure finds and comparisons can be be done without constant interference from AT Pro, GTI, GTP, CZ, Infinium, Scorpion & Pro Pointer Posts.
Setting up an ACE Forum, would remove the ACE related posts to a new area and direct most AT Pro posts, along with all the remaining non ACE & Non AT Pro issues to be debated to this existing Garrett generic forum. I have no doubt that the AT Pro is one of the best metal detectors available at the moment (and with cost aside) and has set a new standard to be compared to and not against. However, it is still a new metal detector line, and is still growing. Where's it eventually going to end? Best single frequency water machine? Best overall water machine? Best over all land & water machine? Best coin hunter? Best relic hunter? Best over all metal detector ? I don't know, but allowing it to remain on the generic Garrett forum allows it to still be compared with existing Garrett metal detector lines, other metal detectors and general discussions to allow new people to metal detecting being exposed to Garrett for the first time to get a wider representation of the existing Garrett lines. No doubt about it, it is the most commented detector on this forum, but I think removing it at this point of time is premature. It still needs to be seen with all the other Garrett detectors, concerns, and specific non AT Pro Garrett concerns can be directed to the Scorpion, Infinium & Ace forum.
Just my opinion.......I read this post last night, slept on it and these were my conclusions. Isn't great that we live in a democracy