[size=large]Church of the Compadre.....[/size]
What is with all you guys?
Ahh...I get it, now!
For a long time this has been considered close to a toy, not a real detector like the big boys on the block.
Something you buy if you only have enough money for a beginners unit, or for a child.
Sure, a few had them, and tried to tell the world that they were more valuable than it's price would lead people to believe, but it mostly stayed a little secret that only it's owners really ever truly knew.
The secret that it would find things, valuable things that the other machines with more knobs and buttons and glorious screens could mostly only dream about...and it would find them easily.
Not all of the owners knew this secret, either.
Some bought them, found a few coins and maybe a couple of nice things, but never really got to know the Compadre as a friend and a partner, or understood the true nature of this meek and mild Clark Kent of a detector, never realizing the Superman like senses it really possessed.
So into the closet it went, replaced by a newer and shinier replacement that held the promise of riches and coins and the most valuable of metals...and it was forgotten.
Now, a resurgence, an awakening, and far and wide the word is finally out, a secret no more.
Longtime closet dwellers are again seeing the light of day, new machines are being ordered, and this time, thanks to an enlightened few disciples like Slingshot and Skiwhiz, and Tabdog, the Way of the Compadre, a new religion is being born before our eyes.
Spread the word, brothers and sisters, use your Minelabs and Fishers and Whites and Garretts, but unless you also have a Compadre in the arsenal, you might never truly know of all the riches that lie beneath our feet!