Thanks for your replies Fellow Hunters!!
This whole beach combing experience has been an eye-opener for me.
It's been a wonderful opportunity to interact with the general public and to discuss not only environmental issues, but to promote our hobby as a valuable service too!
I find it amazing that people in general pay very little attention to their environment and how few know anything at all about our hobby.
I believe that in the 40 years my family and I have lived here, I have spent more time on the beach and in the water than anyone in the area.
I have monitored the ebb and flow of the water front as the sands shift with the seasons and storms.
The beaches have always been a problem to keep clean, but it seems to me that the current crop of beach abusers are the worst ever!
I'll continue to do what I do as long as I can and perhaps by setting an example can see some change. The beach I consider "my beach" is only 1/2 mile or so long and during the summer season the town has contracted a crew that cleans up early in the AM.
I noticed that the crew misses some things though and the mechanical sweeper will only pick up so much too.
I help out by taking away those things they miss.
Shortly after the season the contract runs out, but the mess isn't so huge and I can handle it.
It only takes some of my early morning spare time and I enjoy the activity in spite of being annoyed at the attitudes that cause the problem.
I've found I agree with the old saying that ,"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem!" and I know that even my small part has value.
After all, the can you pick up today is one less lying there tomorrow.
When I hunt the beach or the water with my detector I only do so when I have sufficient time to enjoy the experience so this early morning activity doesn't cut into my preferred hunting time.
One of the fellows that works for the cleaning contractor picks up all the bottles and cans and makes more off them than he does in wages!
He also finds lost articles that have put more cash in his pocket.
I often beat him to the beach and leave the redeemables for him, but I did keep the twenty three dollars I found for myself!!
GL&HH Friends,