Boils down to not making a confrontation a "mess". Watching out for our hobby should be the foremost thing in our minds and even though a lot of that is done when we are not hunting (Like in this excellent thread.) and the first line is still when we are "out there". "Drama lovers" will only hurt things for us all. There are so many things that we each can do to help a situation or hurt it..... and thinking back (within my hunting outings for just the past two weeks) there are things that as conscientious as I try to be...there are things I could have done better. Face it, "hunting" can trigger "base" emotions within us it with us or the observer. We have to use discrimination well beyond what our machine do! Truth is, a well thought out response will always open more places than it closes. Has for me and many people I've known. Anyways....making it into a "Good Guy"/Bad Guy" thing is never good.