A lot of you guys that have posted I have looked forward to in the past to see what finds you would discover next! It really makes my day because I am addicted to the hobby! Although I don't get to go as much as I would like...heck anybody who loves this hobby never gets to go as much as they would like...guys like Gravedigger probably wishes he had a time machine to stop everything on earth so he could hunt extra and then start the clock running again...I know I do.
I thought about all the finds you seasoned detectorists recover...but I look at it from my own position as fellow detectorist and know that you probably dug 10 times as much trash to get that "BLING"...or "NUT"....(MAN I LOVE THIS HOBBY SO MANY INSIDE LANGUAGES!) And oddly, I really appreciate when you guys post your pics showing alot of the "trash" that you recover with the treasure. It helps keep my feet solidly planted when I am out digging tab after tab, which incidentally I consider a good thing because a tab signature is overlapped with good rings. I tell myself that this is just a test for my detector...it could have been a ring and in case of an emergency you should tune into station.....
But as Bottomfeeder first posted...I thought about the same things. What happens if some "outsider" stumbles across "our"...(I feel like part of the family....I've at least put in some lame posts) forum and sees only the success and does not know of the trials and tribulations that we have endured? A great musical band, the Eagles once had a song and in it were the words "call some place paradise then kiss it goodbye"... I think it's how the lyrics went. But I think this question has been well covered in prior posts eluding to the selling of detectors on ebay. These "outsiders" trying to strike gold on the first swing of the machine and all they strike is reality and lose interest real quick. We all know we got into this hobby for the thrill of the possibility of a good find and the challenge of research and gaining experience...and enjoying it with friends all along the journey. We know this is not a "get rich scheme" and never looked at it that way. But I too was worried about how many "week end warriors" we could endure in this hobby before being crowded out. I don't think we have to worry about that...but we must keep our eye on the ball as far as legislation that could try to make us illegal incrementally in certain areas. This is where our generosity of returning traceable finds to their grieving owners is a big humanity plus to our existence.
And the other angle of some low life seeing our finds and trying to claim them...yeah it is an outside possibility...has it happened?...that is another fruitful topic of discussion to give us all info on how to handle these situations. But...they (low life) have the burden of proof...it may be wise to not give a whole lot of detail of location and dates..but again they have the burden of proof. Yeah their are a lot of Barney Fifes out there, I know because I am an 18 year police veteran. It frosts me when a public "official" tries to rail road an authority respecting citizen. Remember you have rights and you are an American. They can't search your home without a warrant or your consent. You don't have to tell them anything and just because you say no to their inquiries doesn't mean you are guilty of anything. "Yeah I found a ring but I "could" have brought it back out on the beach to show to low tide Tim and lost it" who knows!

Remember, their inquiries don't require your response.
It is great to be cordial to people you meet while hunting but be realistic to their questions. You dig a lot of trash, you are "metal detecting" not "treasure hunting" and I like " searching for metal" and make sure to show them plenty of

God Bless America and damn the torpedoes!