The first time I called for the elders was with similar symptoms. I had been diagnosed with what I can recall Zenker's Diverticulum. c/p In Zenker’s diverticulum, you have a pouch in the back of your throat. The pouch makes it hard for you to swallow food. Zenker’s diverticulum typically affects people ages 70 to 90 and develops over time. You may have the condition for many years before you have symptoms. Healthcare providers treat the condition with surgery. My wife had been diagnosed with numerous afflictions and always made a B-line to call for the elders. God healed her numerous times. I was seriously considering her advice to call the elders requesting to have them pray for me and anoint me with oil. When she left to go to the back of the church totally unbeknownst to her during Mens' Bible study, I made a request for the scriptural adherence aforementioned. I left her a note and when the preacher pulled a chair out and stated if the person wanting prayer still wants prayer come up here and we'll have the elders pray over them. I walked to the front of the church and left her the note. It read in large part: O ye of little faith did you not have faith that I would not delay? When I went back for further procedure the Zenker Diverticulum was gone. I was prescribed medication and it was most likely not even required. That was approximately (20) twenty years ago. The food that does not go into your stomach may be paralysis. My wife had been diagnosed with those symptoms and discovered she had paralysis in the digestion when she had a colonoscopy of upper and lower. The food could be visibly observed. Brother relicmeister, I know you are an intelligent man and I hope you do not hesitate/delay and stand on scripture.
God bless you.
Semper fidelis