Clueless in 'tectorville said:
Actually, it's called competition, the American way
:veryangry::veryangry: Don't preach the "American Way" to another conservative ESPECIALLY when you're this un-educated about the free market!!!!!!
In THIS instance the
[size=large]manufacturer[/size] sets the price
NOT the government or some other third party. :veryangry: From one
uber conservative to another, I have to say you have this issue so incredibly wrong you should be a bit embarassed. Your epic failure of understanding actually gives your "American Way" a bad name. Destroying your business by setting your prices so low that no business man can viably sell them with expertise your device requires is decidedly UNAMERICAN!
This is about
moving MORE boxes to keep the business viable
NOT controlling prices to gouge the poor pinpointer purchaser. In fact the MAP makes the dealer between 10% and 20%. If you think that supports the inland dealers business when he can only move 10 detectors a year, you haven't thought it out. Do the math - it cover's their overhead (phone, advertising, Internet, shipping, time, etc.) so they can sell a product they love and provide the education and trial the industry
STRIVES on. So if all of the dealers close up shop because one Internet pinhead sells at cost + shipping then the OEM moves half of the detectors that the other system does. Why in the world would a
BUSINESS set its self up for a loss so that you see a wide range of fluctuation in price - giving yourself a warm American way feeling? They are selling at the lowest price they can - if that's not the American way, I don't know what is..........

IN FACT, I'll take this even further - the punks selling at ONLY the MAP on the web are hurting the industry because it has created an environment where all local only (no Internet presence) dealers are part time.
Why do you think EVERY OEM would operate this way? Because they are all communist pigs? I put together a three paragraph explanation of why this industry and OTHER industries that SERVE VERY small markets (that then require a high level of expertise to use the product operate this way), and you still fell back your original point that the manufacturer was stifling HIS OWN competition by setting HIS OWN prices - that makes absolutley no sense.
sheeple said:
As this country moves farther away from capitalism welcoming socialism, more are gladly giving up individual freedoms for controls.
1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is
owned collectively or by a
centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which
collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved.
Get a grip! Using the inflammatory term socialism to describe this issue hurts the real fight against socialism and gives financial conservatives a bad name
