That may be true.
Except for the part about the "side walk strip of land".
That could have several meanings.
A Right of Way is an Easement, but an easement is
not necessarily a Right of Way.
As I said, there are different laws pertaining to land
in every state. There are several different kinds of
In some states permanent easements are used that
do relinquish property to the public.
Those states tend to be the ones that were surveyed
earlier in history. But that's not always the case.
The myth I was calling attention to, and I'll say it again.
A public ROW does not belong to the city.
It's a matter of definition.
Laymen's opinions will not likely change the definitions
of Legal Dictionaries.
So that's where it stands.
A myth is a myth.
Boy, do old myths die hard.
People just believe what they want.
I suggest they read up on land law.
That's if they want to discuss it.
Happy Hunting,
Except for the part about the "side walk strip of land".
That could have several meanings.
A Right of Way is an Easement, but an easement is
not necessarily a Right of Way.
As I said, there are different laws pertaining to land
in every state. There are several different kinds of
In some states permanent easements are used that
do relinquish property to the public.
Those states tend to be the ones that were surveyed
earlier in history. But that's not always the case.
The myth I was calling attention to, and I'll say it again.
A public ROW does not belong to the city.
It's a matter of definition.
Laymen's opinions will not likely change the definitions
of Legal Dictionaries.
So that's where it stands.
A myth is a myth.
Boy, do old myths die hard.
People just believe what they want.
I suggest they read up on land law.
That's if they want to discuss it.
Happy Hunting,