Daddy said:
Sven said:
juit said:
This make me want to mod my compadre even more, im just want to know on the 10 pot for groungbalance what turn would be the stock setting
You need to measure the resistance at where the factory trimpot was set. Your best bet is to set up a toggle switch with a fixed resistor that matches the trimpot setting, then switched would engage the 10 turn pot for manual GB and disconnects the resistor as per my post. There's other tricks you can play around with when it comes to single, 3 3/4 or 10 turn pot to dial in GB. I am working on some mods now. Think my Mojave might get some.
I was curious as to whether or not the Mojave would be a good candidate for a manual GB mod. My Mojave wants one of the ten turn pots, like the type that is used on the Mirage.
I don't think so, there is no threshold or noise to reference to when ground balancing, from what I can currently hear. The GB is factory set slightly negative as it will pick up hot rocks when the toggle is in Low. Then slightly positive when it High, hot rock is no longer heard. I wouldn't touch this type mod, nor attempt to adjust the trimpot. My guess is the trimpot is set to slightly negative, when switched to High, ground balance bypasses the trimpot and goes thru a resistor that has a ohm value as if the trimpot was adjusted slightly positive. All I did was take a two minute sneak peak at the circuit board and see how much room was inside.
The only mod I would think that might be useful is a 2nd disc control and a selector switch like the Tejon. Or a coin check switch.
Other than that, I would say leave the Mojave alone. Use it as it was designed, it still has a wonderful discrimination circuit that many will love. After playing around with the Mojave tonight for a bit, didn't find any fault with it, reminds me somewhat of the Eldo umax I had a number of years ago.
Think some of us have to resist the urge to tinker...LOL, myself included. Just enjoy using it as it is, think we all have other VLF detectors that we can use with features we think we need to have most of the time. Weather permitting going to take the Mojave out to play this weekend. Just attached a pair of Deteknix wireless headphones to the Mojave, didn't notice any lag when comparing them to a wired set. They sounded great. We'll be using the wireless.