Well-known member
I have read through this whole post and all replies I have tried to stay out of this thread other than reading through it but, why would anyone wish something bad on a company or person, you seem to have it in your warped mind that this is a great thing and are hoping Nokta/Macro goes out of business, in your warped mind how do you figure this is a good thing for any of us that detect,(IT IS NOT A GOOD THING) competition between manufacturers is a great thing for all of us, and when one goes out of business because another company wants to monopolize an industry (Mine Lab) then us as detectorist suffer the consequences of that, maybe you like crappy build quality issues me personally I do notLong overdue.
Go Minelab Go!
Patent case filed on November 16, 2022 in the Pennsylvania Western District Courtdockets.justia.com
Nokta/Macro has proven they are a great company and Mine Lab has proven they do not care what they put out, and this Law suit proves they are greedy, personally I hope Nokta/Macro turns around and slaps Mine Lab with a counter suit for installing a flash light and vibrating handle on The nox 700,900 and Manticore simply because Nokta/macro had them first but in reality my hopes are Mine Lab comes to their sense's and just drops the whole Law Suit thing all together, that would be a win win situation for all of us but greedy people have no sense
Mine Labs patents expired thus the emergence of Nokta/Macro Legend and Deus 2 your post and replies through your whole thread has made me loose any respect I had for you, you are just pee OD that you purchased a detector that had build issues and did not have enough since to complain about it or admit to it you just want to keep defending Mine Labs lack of caring about what they put out on the Market
your vendetta against Nokta/Macro says a lot about your CHARACTER.
I had a lot of respect for you until this thread