From what I can tell the Tesoro company is not interested in being cutting edge, or coming out with super new technology, (if there is any), or making any of their detectors similar to anyone else.
They have their niche, they are comfortable with it and they are good at it and good at making the type of detectors most their fans seem to like.
Sorry you were disappointed in the Outlaw, but coming from a business point of view this was actually a great marketing move on their part.
It was never about the machine itself, even though they did repackage and resurrected some interesting and well liked features from past units, but in reality it was all about the entire package with multiple coils and down rods included at a pretty great price.
This new one could well be all that some people seem to want every time a new detector is rumored to be coming out, all the whistles and bells and abilities never seen before...the "Next Great Thing", if you will, but doing this is not part of this companies track record for the most part and I don't expect it to be a whole lot different than the rest of their line.
It will be different to a certain extent...evidently there is a niche that they seem they want to fill or they wouldn't be coming out with anything new at all, but totally ground breaking, I doubt it.
It would be cool if it was something totally new, different and special, there is always that hope, but their track record and philosophy indicates they seem to be focused on what made them what they are to this point and I don't see them going much off point from the course they have been traveling for the last several years.
I could be totally wrong and this new one could surprise us all, but that remains to be seen.
Using logic and tracking Tesoro's thinking on exactly what they have come out with in the past I think all the fanboys that are really hoping for that ground breaking new unit that will do and find more than what their present line up can already do will be disappointed...again.
I really hope I am wrong about this, but again, we will see.