So I got my hands on one of these machines recently at my local detector shop (Phil's--thanks Phil!) when the ML rep came by for a now product show. It is rather cool and I did want one after trying it out. I was told it would be out in time for the Christmas season. Had she had one available, I might have bought one on the spot, but the lead time gave me a chance to research and do a rational comparison.
First off, they (MineLab) were definitely sensitive to the leaky Nox problems that plagued that line for some time. This time around, the machine is very solidly build and light as well. I took a close look at all the seams, fittings, etc..shook it about a bit even lol. It is solid and stiff to swing, ergonomically very nice. I like the buttons better than the ones on my Nokta Simplex, as they are easier to depress without jamming my finger joints. Despite their easier feel, I am entirely certain the will stay waterproof in the field ( I am primarily a salt-water beach guy, west FL).
So much care was given to the design that there was even something as small as a "bump" built into the handle before the control housing to keep your hand from sliding up when the machine is wet. Apparently this is missing in the Nox? The rep made sure to point this tiny feature out to me. I thought it was pretty cool that details like this were observed.
What I really liked was the 2D feature on the display. There is some confusion in this thread as to what it actually is, and it took me some time (even after her thorough explanation) to kind of get what is was. Essentially it looked like a continuous visual display of a target relative to a line that represented the 0-99 target number. I was able to watch the display change as I swiped over nails, standing libertys and a huge natural gold nugget (!) that she brought for testing purposes. Looked really cool as a feature to use in the field. And, I believe it served a second function in building "masks" for searching. This I really liked as it was reminiscent of the visual masking feature on my old eTrac, which is still my favorite feature on any of my machines.
Will I buy one when they come out? Maaaayyybe. It is a great machine, but the Legend looks like it may drop in price. It looks like a solid machine as well, at almost a third of the price. But the Manticore has the 2D thing. Still, I like the 2D feature on my eTrac better, but I cant get that in the water (dammit). One thing is for sure, that big bright screen on the new machine is GORGEOUS.
If I can find a few heavy gold chains on the beach before Christmas maybe I will buy the new machine instead of a Legend

ps. Almost forgot. NO MORE EARS ON THE COIL TO BREAK OFF! Like the ones that have broken off on almost all my other machines (thats you, eTrac lol). If you get a Manticore you will never have to buy 3D printed "Ear repair/stiffeners" off of Ebay and glue onto your coil/machine. The ears part is actually built into the lower shaft and is robust..will never break unless you run over it i guess...