To me, if an individual wants to get on a pre-order list with the information thats' now available, why should their decision to do so be a concern of someone else? Just wondering, that's all! HH jim tn
Yes why is it a concern to others from ML threads to bash on a Nokta Makro thread i wonder myself.
I am asking as a NM and ML user if i have a Legend is it worth it for ME to spend the extra money on a Manticore?
I am not asking for anyone else who wants to spend the money on one, i could care less frankly, but for MYSELF.
Who knows Legends better, a sole ML user? Or Legend user? Hence why i asked it on the Legend thread. Do ML users really know a lot more about a detector that isn’t even released and about a detector they don’t even own? But it’s probably better answered by those that own at least one of them and have more than likely used the other brand.
I don’t know how much clearer i can ask the question. Of Course some have to make this about ML vs NM thats not what this is about. Ive had both and like both.
If someone on a ML thread is bashing a Legend i have no idea because I don’t go there and get involved or concerned. As i said I’m curious as why they have to come on the Legend thread and do it.
Not really a big internet and social media person but what is that called, trolling I believe is the word.
If you can’t answer informatively and with decency then please butt out.
Don’t make this more than what it is.