I have seen my finds diminish over the years to just a few pieces of Silver on a hunt................ Lately I have found no Silver..zip zero..
For years I used one brand detectors....Different models to be sure. .......Sure I had some good results, and maybe one or two great results..But..they were inconsistent results.
I also found myself switching detector, to detector, because I just wasn't comfortable with the detector I was using............ I have done lousy..lousy, lousy,
It's reached the point for me that I do not really like detecting any more..and believe me when I say "I LOVED DETECTING"..............all machines are not created equal.......... Well I decided to do something about that.........I found someone who would trade me a "What I know, liked, and enjoyed detector brand, (It's a new model for me).."but basics are the same" for the new one I just bought.......
I will be doing what I used to Love, and doing it with a machine that works well ,gets respectable depth, and I know it inside and out...........I am putting the joy back in the hobby for'" Me".not what I can post on the forum, not the best find, not the most coins..just a few good finds, and maybe a little Silver....Using a detector brand that's been like a second nature to me...........
The thrill of the hunt, the excitement of not knowing what you will find next, and to get out and enjoy yourself no matter if you find 1 zinc penny or a few silver coins.
I am glad you figured it out..... that the best hunting isn't done with the deepest most modern detectors...it is in, the enjoyment of metal detecting.!!! Happy Hunting