Stoof-tabsallday said:
Haha perfect post Monte.
I have to admit I've never tried any of the lunchbox tesoros but I've heard great things but notably that they are heavy.
The term "lunch-box" detectors was a reference to many of the earlier units that had a metal control housing, and also most were under-sling models such as Compass, D-Tex, Fisher, Garrett and many others that looked similar to the Ground-Hog style. Tesoro's versions of those 'U-shaped' upper rods were the Deep Search and original Cortés models. The last two metal control housing models from Tesoro, that were on an 'S' rod, were the Toltec 80 [size=small]
(5/'88 to 2/'92)[/size] and Toltec 100 [size=small]
(12/'87 to 12/'93)[/size].
Some do consider the longer-size ABS plastic housing models that used the two 4-AA battery packs as being a little heavier, partly because they mounted a little farther forward than the first two Bandido models, the Silver Sabre II, and others that were shorter and used 2-9V batteries. Those units, like the Lobo and Lobo SuperTRAQ, Pantera and Golden Sabre II, Toltec II, etc., can have a little nose heavier feel to them, but that can be improved by using a smaller and lighter-weight search coil like the thin 6" Concentric or 7" Concentric rather than the 8" or larger-sized coils.
Stoof-tabsallday said:
With you there Monte, ground balancing won't be hard. The biggest mistake that I've made so far is thinking I was balancing over clear ground when it wasn't.
But again with you there as a tutor I'm sure the Micromax Bandido will be a snap to ground balance.
It won't be a problem as long as Gregg [size=small]
(or any Tesoro user)[/size] realizes that it can be difficult to get a 'perfect,' spot-on GB, especially with the touchier 3¾-turn GB pot, but you can get a detector balanced close enough w/o being too far positive or negative. I am referring to hunting in a more mineralized environment. The Bandido II and Bandido II µMAX do have the advantage of the Auto-retune option that helps when hunting in All Metal.
Stoof-tabsallday said:
Again, I lovwy relic and getting to live the racer for its power and depth and separation with the right coil, ease of ground balancing, etc. But there is something about my tesoros lol.
You must be using a not too smart phone that can't spell well or the little keys traded places.

I believe you said:
"I love my Relic and getting to love the Racer ..." To that I agree completely as I really enjoy using and appreciate the performance I get from my FORS CoRe, FORS Gold +, and all my Racer 2's, Gold Racer's and FORS Relic's. They are generally unmatchable for their all-around performance. That said, I also have to agree that there is something 'special' about having a good, general-purpose Tesoro and working it with the right coil in some really challenging conditions.
Stoof-tabsallday said:
Funny too because slot of people say they rebrand or have models that are so close with just a few differences. As a consumer it sucks but not in a bad way. For them it's in a good way. The closest models I have from my list are the outlaw/Bandido II Micromax and the vaquero/modded cibola. But besides that they were all different enough to warrant me buying them all.
My Bandido II, Bandido II µMAX and Silver Sabre [size=small]micro[/size]MAX are all very similar, but ....
They each serve their purpose well, and I don't mind having multiples of any detector that works well. I just keep a coil on them that I like and that works for where I need them. I do only have my original CoRe and Gold +, but they do what I want where and when I want, The Relic, with more features that I enjoy and with three search coils that I also like to use for different conditions, are 'special' enough that I now have 3 Relic's, each with their own different search coil mounted. The same goes for the 2 Racer 2's and 2 Gold Racers, all equipped for "ready-to-go" action.
Stoof-tabsallday said:
Sure, besides the compadres all mine were used so tesoro didn't make a profit, but I challenge you to find a company where people will still buy 20+ old machines with the knowledge of what they're buying and doing it purposefully.
Heck, I have been buying and using used Tesoro's since late '83. I started dealing in Tesoro in July of '83 when the Inca came out, and by later that year I was snapp9ong up good deals from folks who tried a Tesoro, then got caught up in the whiz-bang, flashy TID and Tone ID craze that started at that time. I have made some super buys on used Tesoro's in brand new [size=small]
(in-the-box)[/size] to very gently used condition through the years, and I continue to do so. And I haven't had to send a Tesoro in for service due to failure afield yet in 33 years. A third-of-a-century with reliable performance from my favorite models speaks well of their good analog designs they used.
Stoof-tabsallday said:
There's a certain something about my tesoros that I can't yet put my finger on, but it's there. They just fit. I'm comfortable with them. When I first got my compadre, after a couple targets I felt comfortable.
I am 'comfortable' with all of my favorite Tesoro models, and I do avoid those that had some design glitches, or those that were prone to over-tinkering by not-too-savy prior owners. The specific model that has had that problem is the Compadre. Many times I have acquired a used unit, or met with people who had a Compadre they acquired that didn't work well or didn't work right, or just kind-of didn't work. Why? Tinkerers at work messing with the few internal trimmers trying to make a Compadre perform like a more expensive model or get a little improved depth or ??? For that reason I do not pick up ANY Compadre's any more as they have been a hassle too many times. They can work, but only if they haven't been messed with.
Stoof-tabsallday said:
Again I live my new fangled machines but that "fit" doesn't happen as quick. Many many great features that when understood will most likely, in some ways, be more alluring than the beep and dig but there will always be a place in my heart for Tesoro. Just something about it.
When I'm done with an area with it I an more confidently say I got all I wanted out of the area (but will still go back... Just in case)
I keep my Tesoro's because I trust my Tesoro's, and I think that kind of sums up why I have some favorites on-hand.