Stoof-tabsallday said:
Well he did say above he has a Bandido II he's gonna be selling, so just buy that, keep your new one on the wall. And get out there!!
I'm sure since he's selling it he will let you use it next time you guys hunt together.
I have a choice condition Bandido II I am planning on selling, and I told Gregg yesterday that he's welcome to take it with him on a jaunt to Nevada this coming week. It's in probably 9.[size=small]5[/size] out of 10 condition, works fine, and has the stock brown 8" coil. Gregg has a thin 6" Concentric coil he could use, plus I have a 6" Concentric coil I also plan to sell and he's welcome to take it along to use, if he'd like.
But this is the 2nd version in the Bandido series, the Bandido II, and not the Bandido II [size=small]micro[/size]MAX. I hunt with, but as typical of my I also pamper, my Silver sabre [size=small]micro[/size]MAX and Bandido II [size=small]micro[/size]MAX. These two choice-condition specimens I was able to acquire from a fellow last year for $400 ... for the pair of them!
They stay with me but Gregg can borrow [size=small]
(or buy)[/size] my Bandido II, if he doesn't want to use his pristine, new-in-the-box Bandido II µMAX. Either way he needs to really put in a little time at the old sites to learn and appreciate just why I have enjoyed and relied on my favorite Tesoro models since July of '83.