[quote DFX-Gregg]I just think it is odd I am also popping wheat pennies but not silver....guess that shows there are still some in circulation, even though I know some of them have been in ground a long time...Monte not a big supporter of dfx...but I am hoping the coil is a big part of the reason will see. My arms are sore now too but the stock coil! I really like the weight of the small coil...but lately not the depth!:angry: Thanks for the tips...[/quote]
Monte is very knowledgeable on White's detectors, I had emailed him a few times and got some great tips and thoughts about my M6, and he also likes the IDX (I have one for a 2nd detector).
There is a lot of great features on the DFX...many I would likely never even begin to use, and a huge reason I chose the ease of the M6.
And I find silver and clad with my M6 and IDX... your DFX should find silver also...since it is a much better unit.
And as I suggested, you might just have a slight glitch in the computer in your DFX. If you would try another detector to see if you can find some silver in the areas you have gotten old coins, and you get silver....Send your DFX in for ajustment. And I agree your5.3 sounded like it had developed a short in the wires.
And I do hope you pass your goal to 10,000 coins even if you,
don't slow down to enjoy the outside and relax because it is a fun hobby,
strain your back, and have sore knees for digging all those coins,
get a bit angry when you don't find enough coins and then go to another location to try,
don't get many silver coins and just a few wheats. Good Luck, though!!!
Me.... I will take my time detecting, relaxing and enjoy finding some clad and a few old coins.