[quote DFX-Gregg]Glad you were able to admit you were wrong! Here goes the strange part...I found the 4 silver coins within the first few months of hunting and nothing since...I thought that was odd...Also the rings I found came in bunches...Do you ever think (I have no clue) that somehow the computer in the detector may somehow focus on certain signals? ( I mean almost like forgetting the rest) The reason I ask is have you ever gone on a run like my detector does...once 16 dimes in a row, or just a certain coin...once I did like 30 pennies in a row. Has it ever made you wonder? My fingers are sore from digging so it is not lack of effort I got out 5 times this week and found close to 400 coins...I am puzzled but I notice even with playing with pag and ac sens. depth still a concern....
I did some air tests and the 5.3 which I am boxing tonight could not pick up past 3.0!

will be shipped back to White's on Monday...
The stock coil seemed fairly accurate from 6.0 and broken in the 7.0 and above area. I know these were just air tests....but the 5.3 coil I am sure has something wrong....no clue what though....[/quote]
I really am trying to help you, with suggestions on trying to get more silver. [size=medium]
I am sorry about our clashes on the other forums and on here. I appoligize very deeply. [/size]:blush:
I don't think the detector would read a clad dime and not a silver one...Same with quarters.. or just read a newer nickle and not a older one..... but hey, you did get a coil that went bad... could be a chance on the detector. I have heard some stories about Kellyco where they sell some returned items.....but you know how posts and posters on some of these forums are.....

.. I have bought a few accessories from them and they work fine.
3 items you need to go detecting....1. a location,2. a detector and 3.a user.
1. You live in a large city that has been there a while, and has parks that were in use in the 40's, 50's and 60's.. and probably even before that.. And
I truly believe that there is no such thing as a hunted out location. The coins are there.
There is a big park here that was in use as a recreation area in the late 1890's and the city made it into a park in the 1920's. When I started detecting with my first detector, the guy that sold me it said I should try parks to get coins. I asked where he hunted and he told me this particular park, and he showed me a few coins that he found in 3 or 4 hunts there. He said this park was all hunted out, and there was nothing left. Well in March of this year is when I found that 1875 half and a 1914 quarter..... in this hunted out park.
2. detector..... most any decent brand name will find coins.You have the best White's makes.With the hunts you go on you should have lots more silver.
If you know someone that has a detector in your area and they will let you borrow it for a couple or 3 hunts or ask if they can hunt with you, and trade detectors for the hunts.....JUST to go out and hunt for silver only...( yes I know it will briefly mess up your coin goal, but if your detector isn't working correctly, well... a good working detector will get the coins for you in no time).You already should know a few areas that have given you older coins....go there.You probably have covered it with your DFX, hunt the area with another detector.. If you find deeper coins (silver)..and you also brought your DFX...see if the DFX reads the coin.................could be you have a defective DFX.
3. user.....you are finding lots of coins......pennies, nickles, dimes, quarters.. you are kickin butt in that department. you set, reset, try adjusting any and all combinations in all different ways.Even trying different coils on it.I don't think it is user error.
And again I am sorry about our past clashes.