sandiggerson said:
I got this from a compass forum. Don't know if le git. Tesoro managment supposedly announced on facebook they were going ahead with cazador. Maybe look like this???
That is a cheap China piece of crap copy of the new Caz. It's time I let the cat out the bag. I have been field testing the 2nd proto type Caz for about 6 weeks now. Rusty is gonna be ticked at me for telling you this but enough is enough. The new Caz has a much larger 9" hi resolution icon based touch screen. It has full Wi-Fi and Bluetooth ability. Each new detector will come with a 3 month free trial of Netflix. The new display shows high res. shape and size images. With the new hybrid variable freq scanning sequencer circuit being used it CAN easily identify gold rings for trash and this clearly passed on to the operator via the flashing high res. screen display message that simple says "Bingo- Gold Ring!" In usual Tesoro fashion it's only one tone, but with the high res icon based touch screen imaging I have found that it is not really necessary. Depth is insane!!!! To test transmit power the manual says to place a raw hotdog on the ground and hold the coil approximately 12" above the hotdog and then turn the power on. Your power settings are correct if the hotdog is cooked withing 12.6 seconds. I know what your gonna ask- Who in the hell carries a stopwatch with them while detecting? Guess what, it's built into the high res icon based touch screen!! You gotta love it! So far I am impressed with all aspects of this detector.