I am happy to learn of the i upgrade and will be getting it as soon as I can....which is TODAY!!! This is one of the perks of living close to Sweet Home.
The folks at White's are the most gracious you will ever meet. No business I've ever dealt with in any capacity, for any product or service, has ever treated me any better than the people at White's have. For you American patriots, this is an American company with American workers and they are doing business the good old fashioned American way--outstanding products, backed by outstanding service. I will not begrudge them a profit if it keeps people in their jobs and keeps the company from outsourcing to places with cheaper labor.
By the way, on an unrelated topic, thanks to all you message boarders who have offered me ideas and assistance with my V-3. Last week, I was fortunate enough to find a 1941-S Merc dime, and then a big one, a 1918-S Walking Liberty half! The half was easy--it was a "sitting duck" (on private property, with permission) about 3 to 4 inches down. The Merc was tougher--in a public easement and quite a bit deeper. Both were fun to find--one because it took a bit of skill, the other because it was big and a lot older than any Walker I had ever found before.
I guess my hopes for the i upgrade are that once I learn what the detector is telling me with these enhancements, I won't waste as much time digging nails as I have lately. I've pretty much figured out the bottle caps, but every now and then the nails still fool me. I'm thinking the polar feature will help with that.
I'll keep you posted when I learn something new.