Gemini13 said:
earthmansurfer said:
Lastly, regarding the marketing debacle (reading many boards, this is the consensus - the 48hr countdown was great, but after that it kind of fell apart)
I've asked a couple of people without truly getting an answer so I'll ask you because I know I'll get an answer. What I'm trying to wrap my head around is this idea that the marketing/product launch was a debacle or awful or some other adjective. My question is why?
I get the feeling as I come across sort of direct, eh? I do try to be open and show both sides, I hope that is obvious as well.
Well, again, I was a bit mixed on it myself. In the post above I was really relating the impressions I got, but here goes:
The countdown was exciting. It wasn't real long, only 48 hours. That is actually short in a way. Things seemed fine from what I remember reading up to this point. I liked it.
So, the countdown ends and we hear about a new machine. I may be a bit off with my timing/description, but I'll try to remember. I believe next to no information was given at that time. The video was a teaser video. Showing people dressed nice and finding treasures. For me it was mixed - I loved the screen shots but thought "This video is a bit cheesy" - we don't dress like that - ehehe. Not sure if others felt the same. That in itself wasn't terrible, but I believe it was another 7 - 10 days for the information to really come out. In between that time rumors leaked, lies spread and people started to assume. The moderators/testers were in a really bad place imo. A pamphlet was released (I forget when) but still no price or manual. At this point I noticed people were really starting to get angry. There is a bit of a group mentality on forums, whether or not we know it.
So the pricing information was not really forthcoming and then you could see the forums getting worse off. Especially this one where we have sponsors paying money - a sort of conflict of interest at times can arise - sort of. I'm not taking sides here, just sort of relaying my observations. Still no manual...
Now, to be fair, I don't really think Minelab wanted to upset people. That would be bad business and they are a global company. I know enough about business to know that it takes lots of money to correct bad PR. So, regarding the delayed release of information - I think they wanted to justify in our minds a very very expensive unit (in a mostly bad economy) with features like GPS that most of us probably didn't want. Perhaps they didn't realize how many people were disheartened by the weight issue (even thought the balance might make up for it), the features issue and the price, etc. It was sort of like a snowball getting bigger as it came down the mountain, if you know what I mean. See, even things like the weight issue was just bad PR. Everyone knows we wanted a lighter unit. They should have been ALL OVER the weight and very clear regarding the SUPREME balance to make up for it. But that came out later imo.
Things along the way like videos without really showing the machine working. Videos with so much glare on the screen that you couldn't see the screen - All of this just adds to the frustration imo. I'm not trying to come down on those videoing, for I think that is Minelabs job (or responsibility to direct) in a pre-launch phase, not non paid testers/mods.
So here we are now, things seem a lot better - thanks to the mods imo. I think they handled things as best they could. Weren't too tough fisted, which was SMART imo.
I'm sure I left some things out and again, this was more of an observation, which is not to say I didn't feel some of this as well, for I did. But it wasn't a real big deal to me.
In the end, this is all relative, just like anything in our reality. Hope that was somewhat helpful.