OregonGregg said:
LOL I told Monte that same thing early on. If I bought an Impact machine, I would put it in 14KHz and set it up exactly as I would my Racer 2.......kinda defeats the whole purpose of buying one. Plus I guess ya have to consider the person swinging the machine. Hell, I'm just a dumb hayseed from Idaho, now living in Oregon. Simplicity works for me ( the Racers) Now you, your more of the geeky silicon valley type and the Impact is right up your alley ( i.e. Ya have a few more grey cells than me

Monte told me awhile back, ya need performance and keep it as simple as you can. I 've followed that train of thought ever since. I just like to take my 2 dogs out, let'm run and I detect. If I find some goodies, that's great. If not it still was a fun day for me and the dogs.
My old grey cells are getting in short supply these days
I hear you on simplicity, and it's one of the things that I love about the Racers, they employed the KISS mode of operation and due to a lot of behind the scenes work the machine's doing so you didn't have to, they work, and work very well. I'll probably sell off my Red Racer and keep my Racer 2 as a backup in case my Impact dies.
I've said it in the past, if my Racer2 just had selectable frequencies, I likely wouldn't have bought the Impact. It's actually one reason I've been kicking around trying out a Golden Mask 5+, for about $590 you can get the machine, wireless headphones and it's dual frequency (selectable), lightweight, carbon fiber straight shaft with piston grip, and does very well in iron, much lighter then the Impact. I'm very tempted to try one, these Golden Mask machines are quite popular in Europe.
There are sites where just being able to move your frequency from 14Khz to 20Khz is a game changer.