Yes, I would still buy one if it fares terrible in salt water. In fact placed an order for one this week.
I live on the West coast so already have Pi's, Water proof BBS & FBS technology for serious west coast ocean wet sand detecting, What I'm more interested in is a VLF fresh water detector capable of handling tough mineralization. And to be honest, I don't have high hopes the AT Pro can handle our West Coast ocean wet sand but am hoping it can handle our tough fresh water lakes..
We have some fresh water lakes that create masking, The tough mineralization creates a blanket masking the targets making it impossible for a VLF detector in disc mode to get decent depth yet have the sensitivity to get the smaller gold jewelry finds.
Other than using a Pi, About the only other way to penetrate fresh water black sand and get the sensitivity needed on smaller finds is a good VLF detector using all metal mode with both visual and audio ID in all-metal, I'm hoping the AT Pro can achieve decent depth yet have the sensitivity to get the smaller pieces of jewelry from fresh water lakes with tough mineralization. Only a few detectors can acheive this and that's in all-metal ID mode, Let's hope the AT Pro can as well.
Plus, The AT Pro 8.5 x 11" DD coil may be too big for fresh water lakes with tough mineralization. Yes, a DD does help stability and because of masking the smaller AT PRO 6.5 x 9" Super Sniper Coil may be the better coil for both stability & sensitivity and will surely have less drag.
Quite honestly, Looking forward to the AT Pro not only for fresh water hunting but for relic detecting, coin shooting and gold jewelry detecting as well. If it only serves only one of these I'll still be happy as a Lark, A VLF detector under $600 and waterproof to boot is a steal.
Yes, I've got an AT Pro ordered now just need to place an order on an AT Pro 6.5 x 9" Super Sniper Coil in which I feel will enhance the AT Pro even more for fresh water and for inland gold jewelry hunting.
Paul (Ca)