wild horse joe
New member
Thanks to all that gave me helpful hints! And most of all thanks to Whites. I got a call from Jimmy and from an engineer. I just got back from two locations and got the bugs worked out. Whites says yes this machine runs hot in the factory settings. So make (maybe a lot) of adjustments. To try and make a long story short. I adj. the RX gain down along with the Disc. and I went as low as 3 on gain and 55 on disc. and still had problems. But it turns out I only had to adjust gain down to 5 and leave disc. alone. That's way to simple uh? But it worked
Now there is another factor here that did not come into play today but did yesterday. I apparently was also getting some interference in my area. Maybe aliens from mars sending strange radio waves out, who knows. I talked to someone else that was having similar problems the last two days and that problem is gone today. Whites says this happens in there area also. To adjust for this, a possible solution is to go to the Frequency program and use the frequency offset control. That does work. Now I have to wait till this weekend to hunt. Got to work to pay for this new toy.
Happy Trails Joe

Happy Trails Joe