I can tell you the 8 inch Coinsearch, the S-8 and the 8 inch Tornado coil will do better than the older 10 BBS coils for depth and separation as we have done that actual comparison on actual in the ground targets. Now we never seen a good target that the S-5 got the 8 inch coinsearch didn't get better in trash and we seen the S-8 see targets in heavy trash and deep too the 5 inch coil could not see unless you knew there was a good target there and worked it slow to get the signal and then fast to make the signal better.
The new 10 inch tornado coil coil we didn't do a actual test on actual target, but i was amazed at how it worked in some trash.
Once you get to know your Sovereign well I think you will see the 8 inch is as small as you need to go unless it is real super trashy and then even a 5 inch will have problems too from what we have seen.
At this time you only need 3 coils. a 8 inch Sun Ray or 8 inch Tornado and even many of our favorites the 8 inch coinsearch which is the best coil to learn the Sovereign with, the 10 inch Tornado coil and the S-12 of Sun Ray the biggest coil I would recommend as it does great, weight it good and does a great job. What about others that have used the Sovereign for years and mastered it, do you feel these are the ones that do the best for you and your hunting?