Hey everyone...
Took my CTX out on its "maiden voyage" today. Let's just say I'm highly impressed. Very happy that a lot of the knowledge I gained about using Explorers over the past 7 years translates over pretty well to the CTX. First coin at my beaten-to-death park was a Sacagawea dollar; haven't dug one of those in ages and was a nice "inaugural" coin! Second, and last coin, was a 1920 wheat cent, perfectly vertical/on edge, at a measured 8" deep. There's a story to tell with that dig, but I'll do that later!

HIGHLY impressed with this machine...
Anyway, one thing I'm confused about...
Here is a screen picture from my CTX today.
[attachment 351797 sensitivityCTX.JPG]
I was running auto +3, as you can see. What I don't understand is the white and green numbers. I THOUGHT the white was the sensitivity I'm actually running, and the green was the suggested sensitivity. But, as you can see, the white number is saying "28" (which I am almost sure is the sensitivity the machine is currently running at), and yet the green number is saying "20" -- the "suggested sensitivity," right? The reason I am confused is, if the "suggested sensitivity" is 20, I would have thought "auto +3" would mean the machine would run at 23. But it's not, it's at 28.
Can anyone explain?