This is a good and fun thread! 
A guy just never knows what adventure awaits once he gets out of the house..
Statistically, most of us will die from a heart attack, car wreck or some sort of ailment. I think metal detectorists are in the top 5% of humans as far as being observant to surroundings. We just naturally get good at paying attention to surroundings and people. I think this trait shows itself here on this subject, since NONE of us who have posted have been actually robbed or jumped while detecting? Anybody heard news of such a thing?...As a Detectorist, probably the most immediate life threatening in field dangers would be heart attack, sunstroke, car wreck, lightening, rip currents, bad food, frostbite/hypothermia, dogs, rabid skunks, and MAD WIVES, and all the normal everyday threats that naturally occur just by trying to have a little adventure, yet we dont talk much about THOSE why? 'cause it just isnt fun!.
And we certainly dont fret about them...well, with the exception of Mad Wives anyway, ALL of us have been beat up and robbed more at home of our finds, money, and time by our Wives than could ever be taken from us in field!..
So following this train of thought, most robberies, heart attacks, and killer accidents occur at home!
Its actually safer to be out detecting a bad part of town than being married and sitting at the house!
In fact, more old guys like us fall off the roof and die from cleaning out the gutters than get killed while out detecting....more old guys die from shoveling snow, or mowing the yard, or raking leaves...So there you go! Stay away from the REAL threats to your life, GET OUT and AWAY FROM THE HOUSE! and if it comes down to an unavoidable brawl with some disrespectful attempted robber, at least try to "represent" the rest of us old guys to full effect, come out of it with a great story, and if you DO get killed, just thank your lucky stars at least you are not halfway to the ground 20' below, tangled up in an extension ladder, in a free fall situation, thinking to yourself..."Man, I really wasted my Life"!

Statistically, most of us will die from a heart attack, car wreck or some sort of ailment. I think metal detectorists are in the top 5% of humans as far as being observant to surroundings. We just naturally get good at paying attention to surroundings and people. I think this trait shows itself here on this subject, since NONE of us who have posted have been actually robbed or jumped while detecting? Anybody heard news of such a thing?...As a Detectorist, probably the most immediate life threatening in field dangers would be heart attack, sunstroke, car wreck, lightening, rip currents, bad food, frostbite/hypothermia, dogs, rabid skunks, and MAD WIVES, and all the normal everyday threats that naturally occur just by trying to have a little adventure, yet we dont talk much about THOSE why? 'cause it just isnt fun!.

So following this train of thought, most robberies, heart attacks, and killer accidents occur at home!
Its actually safer to be out detecting a bad part of town than being married and sitting at the house!
