How can I word this without sounding too paranoid ?......... The longer I detect the more patterns seem to turn up. And one of these patterns in different towns is that quite often the oldest areas are the seediest. Not always, but often enough. I have been pondering precautions such as only having one headphone cup on an ear. I have had frightening incidents while detecting alone. One was out in the country checking out an old one room school house. A group of drunken aboriginals stopped near me to relieve themselves beside their van. They became belligerent when I didn't come over to them. I then slowly walked to my car and after some more huff n' puff from them, they left. I have been stared at by groups of rough youngsters in an open high school yard on a Sunday afternoon etc. I felt like I was being sized up. And many more borderline creepy incidents. Usually my Lesche digger seems to change their outlook when I casually (actually it's planned) hold it out from my side. I have zero interest in any confrontation, but I also refuse to be a mindless victim. I have one of those collapsible steel batons because I have been circled by dogs on the edge of town, or simply had a dog or two aggressively bark\bluff me. I actually held one back with my ATP while the woman ran up screaming at the mutt. I do not have a criminal record and definitely DO NOT want to be charged with swinging that collapsible baton if I am in danger. What are my options ? How do you keep yourself safe in dangerous parts of town ?