My back saga continues. I could barely get out of bed Sunday morning. Monday was no better. Took me about five minutes to get dressed. Arranged for a few days off work and went to see my doctor. This guy does not listen to me, I swear. He is also anti pain medication and relies on muscle relaxers and OTC NSAIDs which have never helped me when I have these spells. He gave me a Soma sample to try and not only did it not help my back, but it also gave me a headache that was about ten times worse than the worst hangover of my life. I called a few friends and asked if they liked their doctor. Made a few calls. Finally found one that was accepting new patients. Went and got my records from old doc and told him I wasn't happy with his services. He told me I was looking for miracles. I said NO, I'm looking for relief from pain. New doc reviewed my case. Told me he could have told me that Soma would not help with the pain I was describing and demonstrating. Ordered an MRI, which I did this morning. Prescribed a 2 week supply of the proper med for the type pain I'm experiencing. An hour after the first pill, I felt like a million bucks! Slept great most of last night for the first time in two or three weeks. New doc gave me the card of a chiropractor he said was the best around. Also not too expensive. I see her Thursday. Said we could think about a cortisone shot (Is cortisone a steroid? He used that word. I think he also said epidural.) if the chiroprator doesn't work out. Had a lot of other common sense advice. Get a better mattress. Try yoga. Stretch before and during a detecting session. (You know, it's actually stupid that I don't already do this.) Suggested a few supplements that should help keep my joints functioning better that I am now trying. Omega 3 fish oil was one, FYI, and I had just watched Dr. Oz Monday where he said everybody should take it. Man, daytime TV sucks!
So I am going to do to myself what local law enforcement has been trying to do to me all year. I'm going to take myself out of the game. I was taking it easy already. Only 3 hunts since 9/7 which is low for me. So close to two big milestones that might not get hit in 2010.
I find it hard to visit here when I can't get out myself. I'm going to try to write a few articles for LT. Not about gold prospecting either. How many issus this year have been devoted to this? Is it four now? I also have a mess of jewelry that needs polishing. A few other tasks that will hopefully keep my detecting itch down a bit.
Thanks for reading. Here's a shot of my favorite find ever just because I like to look at it!
So I am going to do to myself what local law enforcement has been trying to do to me all year. I'm going to take myself out of the game. I was taking it easy already. Only 3 hunts since 9/7 which is low for me. So close to two big milestones that might not get hit in 2010.
I find it hard to visit here when I can't get out myself. I'm going to try to write a few articles for LT. Not about gold prospecting either. How many issus this year have been devoted to this? Is it four now? I also have a mess of jewelry that needs polishing. A few other tasks that will hopefully keep my detecting itch down a bit.
Thanks for reading. Here's a shot of my favorite find ever just because I like to look at it!