Jesus, Mike, that was one hell of a post. Sorry, I didn't respond sooner, I've been too busy, worring, drinking, and overworking to get on the forum. Oh, hey, that doesn't sound too good. Sounds like I need to make a MAJOR change in my life too. Man you brought a lot of us out of the closet on this one. You couldn't have posted a much more important subject than that one, at least as far as I'm concerned. I had no idea you had such a bout. I love to hear a story with a good ending, and especially one with a "moral to the story" part. Well, quickly, here's my confession: I thought I had a heart attack a few years back but after extensive testing they said it was "only stress", only trouble is, from what I hear, stress can kill too. I've been fighting this for a long time and started drinking more to "try and relax", but it's only a temp band aid, usually ending up with more stress later in the day, and ill feeling physically. Ain't it funny? I went and bought a metal detecor to try and get more exercise, a good hoby, a feeling of acomplishment (when I find something good) and all the rest, but I'm usually too tird to do the middle of the night thing, probably because I'm way out of shape, drink too much and still fight too much stress. I hope I take your post as seriously as I am right now and, AT LEAST, try to do something about it. What a great story you have and you've truly set a great pace here for everyone of us, not only in the treasure hunting aspect of it but the health and vigor side too.
Sincerely, Marc Trainor. Oh, by the way, my cholesteral is about 20 points too high too, and I'm about 50 lbs. overweight.