I liked Knippers post...it was good advice to talk calmly and assert our rights to a casual busybody, or curious park employee. My experience with crazy people like the guy that approached Josey and his Father is to retreat. Unless you feel like throwing down. Anybody that confronts in that large of an aggressive manner is best retreated from. No sane person would dare confront a stranger in that fashion, a sane person would be more cordial in their approach to determine if there is or could be a physical threat to their own existance. I hunt a lot of inner city parks, I should not be there at any time, yet there are some small windows of opportunity that a fellow can take advantage of and get in and get out unnoticed...I have just as much right to be there as anyone, but I doubt that explanation would save me, my gear, or my truck should I dilly dally, attract attention, or go at the wrong time. When your hair stands up on the back of your neck, you probably stayed too long. However, any kind of Pinpointer that buzzes can be confused by the uneducated as some sort of tazer when brandished as if it was, or a walkie talkie of some sort, allowing a person to bravely walk away from a confrontation...Its a masterful skill to walk this planet anywhere unnoticed...