Guys, When the economy fails, and the price of gold goes up. Everybody wants a metal detector! Please remember this is a Mom and POP company. We have only 18 people working here and the owner is the only engineer. We are not like Minelab, Fisher or Garret who are extremely large companies. We do not play the " Mine is better than yours" game. Our focus is to provide a simple great machine at a reasonable price.
"It has become apparent to me over the past few years that there is a place for, even a need for, a metal detector manufacturer who is dedicated to the independent dealer market. The products should utilize the best of today's technology to provide maximum sensitivity. They should be rugged, but light enough that anyone can use them. They should do their job without "bells and whistles" that only increase the cost. And finally, the company should remain loyal to their dealers and be responsive to their needs and desires. It is with these principles in mind, that TESORO was founded in May of this year.
(Jack Gifford, 1980)