I can tell already you will do just fine! The Tejon, in my opinion, is an excellent detector. I was going to say just practice with junk but you are way ahead of me there. Good luck! I hope you find a fortune.
Playing with the Tejon and Sniper coil
Just outside a Substation.
33 thousand volts going in and 13.2 thousand volts coming out. The 33KV and 13.2 KV.
At the main gate. About 30 ft from the 2 500KW
Stepdown transformers.
Ran beautiful like the Mojave in same location.
Sadly nothing worth saving.
If it didn't suddenly down pour. I'd off took pics.
Still can't get video up on my YoTub account.
Do I have to Pay first ???
Next couple weeks I'll try much Older substations. Looking for my First silver dollar.
Got the Sniper on my Best beep an dig machine today. Sovereign GT.
If it stops raining.
I'm Anxious to get the Beast out.
In the house full of interference.
WiFi in the room,two cell phones and house wiring.
GT over a very many nails wood floor.
Solid Null !!
Hits US coins at 6+ inch's cleanly. Slow sweep.
Can't wait to get this combo out in the field.
This Nel Sniper coil on both machines is making my day. Impressed am I ...