View attachment 23302
Well there is the report and the faulty pot proving that the machine could not have been working when the seller sent it out.....he is now refusing to reply to all my messages even after he said he may be willing to help with repair costs after he had seen the report.....oh well.
The 3 inch mod has given my machine an extra 2.6 inches according to the report.......doing a quick air test at my house has given me cause for much optimism........even with the 10 inch tornado coil i'm getting great depth on a very small gold ring......i will do a proper depth test soon at the beach in the wet sand and post the results.I wantedvto get out today but unfortunately we are in the middle of a severe storm.Not all bad though because it will take a lot of sand off the beach.......less sand and more depth on the machine.......i will be laughing all the way to the bank.

The only "small" coil i ever used on past Sov's was the little joey coil from coiltek.I tried this coil and it never came off the machine again....i loved it,great seperation,depth and quite light.This coil found me a medievil posy ring and the oldest coin i've ever found (will post a pic later).
As most of my hunting is done on the beach i am looking to buy a larger coil.....looking at the nel range of coils which seem to be doing good things although most seem to be low on stock at the moment over here.
Looking forward to testing the machine at measured depths and posting the results....i will dig out my US coins and take them to the beach to give you a better idea of the machines depth.
Glad you are enjoying it Odanscoils........happy hunting everyone.