Hey, just to make everybody feel better....The other day I was sitting at the bar near the door right at the corner end of the bar....And a guy came in with a plastic bucket that had soldiers in uniform printed on it. It was obviously made that way, which is what probably fooled me. He asked if I'd like to contribute to the wounded warriors fund. I said sure,. and stuck a dollar I had laying on the bar into the bucket. As I turned away he said "We're building a wall for them.". Then it hit me...Building a wall? Why haven't I heard anything about a wall for wounded vets? And the plastic cheesy flag he was carrying....Seems like they'd be using a real cloth flag for such a charity.
So I turned back seconds later and the guy was GONE. I looked around the bar and see he didn't even make any rounds. I was the first guy he saw when he walked in, being right by the door, and I guess once he got his dollar for whatever he needed it for he just turned around and got out of there. Then I knew I had been taken for sure, because if he was collecting for charity wouldn't he make his way all the way around the bar? I suspect after he got my dollar he looked around and saw others he's scammed with some other donation racket in the past, so he probably bailed real quick.
So yea, I got took I'm pretty sure...Even if they are building a wall for wounded vets somewhere, I suspect this guy was scamming based on his actions. But hey...Way I look at it it still counts as karma points for me. My intentions were good. He's the one who has to answer for it.
Real quick too....several weeks back a guy asked if I had a few bucks for gas because he was on fumes. I know that scam, but this is a good neighborhood and a gas station I've never seen this go on at before over the years, plus this guy's car was at the pump, so I figured what the heck and gave him a buck or two. He walks over to his car, gets in, and drives off. Then about a week later I am sitting at one of the pumps at that same gas station and here's the guy at somebody's car window asking for money again because he was "on fumes". I walked over and butlted in on the conversation, and told the car owner the guy had the same story for me a few days back and didn't even put it into his tank. Then I took down his plate # and gave it to the store manager, who said she'd turn it over to the police because the guy has been told to stay off the property. With his vehicle on camera they have proof he's tresspassing and can file charges against him.
Moral of the story, we all get took once in a while, but if anybody ever wants a few bucks for gas make sure you give it to the clerk for the gas and not to the guy. Yea, he's still getting some free gas if he's scamming, but at least he ain't spending it on the drugs he's probably using.