Come on guys, the Parks and Recreation departments did not just wake up one morning and say hey lets make it illegal to metal detect in our parks. There were reasons and those reasons were that some guys with a metal detectors were digging holes and leaving them uncovered, leaving dug trash, cutting plugs and killing the grass, ruining sprinkler heads, well the list goes on. We worked hard to convince Parks and Recreation, Councilmen, Mayors etc. that there are responsible detectorists who would not damage their well groomed lawns at their parks. They finally decided to change the city ordnance that outlawed metal detecting and changed it so we could metal detect and the only thing we had to do was to get a no cost, no test, non expiring permit with their guidelines, which is better than another near by city that requires, a pinpointing test, digging test and having to pay for the permit. Now its up to us to make sure the parks lawns are not damaged, and if we fail then we will loose our privilege to metal detect. We are not the only city in these United States of America that have laws regarding metal detecting and as long as there are irresponsible metal detectorists out there city's will continue to have laws to protect their parks. So you see its up to us to see that we educated each and every detectorist to the proper ways to dig targets. Having to get a metal detecting permit is alot better than not being able to metal detect at all. JMHO HH Dennis in Idaho