Carolina Phil
New member
jhettel said:I have dug my fair share of horseshoes and shotgun casings that I know will be discriminated out by the Minelab.
Those items will not be discriminated out by your 705 if you have your discrimination adjustment set up properly. Shot gun casings are of brass, so unless the brass range is notched out, or you reject everything on the low end from iron range up to and including brass range, you will find them if they are at a detectable depth.
I've dug my share of hundred year-old shot gun casings with my X-Terra 70. I hunt in the Coin & Treasure Mode. I pick a Pattern, it doesn't matter which one, and I adjust the discrimination setting for that Pattern to my liking. I usually set up to reject the first two segments on the left-hand side (which is the iron range), and the last segment on the right-hand side (to reject "hot rocks"). This is only enough discrimination to reject square iron nails and "hot rocks", and larger iron like horseshoes will still be detected. I dug a mule shoe this past year at this discrimination setting. When the discrimination setting of a Pattern is changed, it remains at that setting when the detector is turned off and back on. The detector can be used in All Metal, in which nothing will be rejected, but I don't search much in All Metal due to a lot of iron nails at my sites.
There is also the Prospecting Mode. Its discrimination adjustment is called Iron Mask. With the Iron Mask set at the highest setting for maximum discrimination, it is about enough discrimination to reject a small iron nail. The range of the Iron Mask is small.
Happy hunting.