marcomo said:
It definitely looks like Brad is right about Garrett "borrowing" some of the best features from other manufacturers, notably First Texas.
New and unique circuits and processor programs are protected intellectual property.
Borrowing them without the copyright holders permission can get a manufacture in a lot of trouble.
Just because something has the "feel" of something else dont mean they were copied or borrowed.
Multi-frequiency (BBS and FBS) technology belongs to Minelab.
Fisher and White's walked a very thin line to develop detectors that use more than one frequency.
You can bet Minelab lawyers have watched them very closely for infringement.
What new features has ANY detector come out with in the last 15 or 20 years?
Anything meaningful or just a rehash of what they had before?
Do the latest machines really detect that much deeper or discriminate any better than a Big Bud Pro of the 70's?
Repackage, repaint, change the tones, give it a color LCD screen insted of a meter, and you have the latest and greatest detector.
Change the name, stick it in a different plastic box, and you have a completely new company.
Nothing really new and different ... no big improvement ... same old stuff just changed around a bit.
And we go nuts over them.