This is like a Christmas list.
New explorer x model.
1) better visibility of the screen (more pixels, better contrast) possibly in color.
2) accurate numerical depth display, or bar mode.
3) coil mode. Where you can go through the menu to select your size coil and it updates ids, depth, ect to that individual coil.
4) at least rainproof.
5) 30 point varience, more tones and update the accuracy of them.
5) speed the recovery time up... not a little, heck compare it to whites... and then beat it...
7) group frequencies, make it possible to manually choose frequencies. A true silver program, a true gold program.
8.) beef up the housing, i would like to see a complete carbon fiber model. Sexy
9) headphone system in stereo high definition. Iron to have deep bass tone
silver to sound like a front row seat at pantera concert
10) bluetooth capable device.