Several years ago I had a "couple" in a car "making out" in a fairly "public" way. The guy started yelling at me with the same attitude and rhetoric. I ignored him and he actually called the cops. I stayed there and waited intentionally. Well when the cops showed up I showed my ID and told him my side of things. Then I told the cops about their little "necking" session. So the cops walked over to talk to this clown and upon arrival to said vehicle noticed that the guys pants were undone and she was not much better off either. The cops then removed them both from the vehicle and after a few minutes promptly arrested both of them for Public Indecency. Then the cops walked over to me and told me that 3 other people had called about these clowns as well. He said thanks and told me if I had any other problems to call him "personally" and he would deal with it himself. That I could detect all I wanted and no one ever bothered me after that. @ weeks later at the same place another couple walked over and said thanks. They were the ones who had called the cops on that clown as well. I loved it. Still do. !!!!! By the way I found 2 Merc Dimes and a Barber Quarter. I was happy. Best wishes. PEACE:RONB