today i went down to my local public park to do some MD , so i was there for about a half hour ,wen i notice a car on the side of the road with the window down and the man inside looking at me and his wife with her head turned at him . So i look over and he yells " hey what are you doing " with a snippy attitude and i replied " metal detecting " he then goes " your not allowed to be in there " i then said yea i am its a public park" he then replied " your not allowed to do that in public parks and you can't just come into this neighborhood and do this" and then i said " i live here too " and then he replied " o yea were do you Live " which has nothing to do with the issue here and i answered with the road that i live on but not the number because i don't want any stalkers lol , he then replied " this park was an Indian fort so is protected , look at the sign " so i look at the sign for the park and it gives a brief history of the park and what happened here many years ago , but nothing saying words like " reserved" or " protected" or even the odious like " no metal detecting" so i say " i don't understand i don't see anything saying that i can't metal detect here", as his wife in the passenger seat starts muttering " stop it , just stop " he then replies " well I'm calling the cops ", as he starts to pull away so i replied " OK i"ll be here waiting , why don't you stay here to " as he drives off so i put my metal detector in my car and i sat there for an hour waiting for the cops to come, because i was curious if i was wrong, so the cops never showed probably because they weren't ever called . and it wasn't like i was making a mess of the park i am extremely clean wen i fill the holes back in , so my question is why are some people like this ?