I do ok with my se , tried all metal and was overwhelmed . The manual says to keep the coil just above the ground or i will get a lot of falseing , other's tell me to scrub the ground with the coil, which is best , when in all metal (dumb question maybe) i got so many signals and the cursor seemed to stay in the top left cornor unless i hit any kind of target. I can see that you have to learn the tones when in all metal, are the good target hits( silver coins, copper coins, jewelry) going to be a high pitch with the cursor moving to the top right ? I've found my finds using smartfind screen, factory discrimination, same with the iron mask, low threashold ,i use fast and deep for recovery and i discriminate out foil, screwcaps, nails and the other caps and i accept coins ,ferrous coins and jewelery . i accept pull tabs in case it's a ring or nichol. Am i doing this right , any advice would be great , thanks from dave .