Thanks guys..yep Jsteel, all from Indiana....You can see these were not fresh drops, maybe a few dollars of this haul were clean enough to spend...You both know that Indiana/Ohio clay? When its dry, its like concrete, impossible to dig a great amount this fast...and when its wet, it sticks to be damned to a 'shovel' type tool, making it too much effort for the value, a muddy mess...A screwdriver is the only tool for this fast clad work in the wet clay!
I think somebody sweeps up the fresh drops at these locations, but cant or wont go after anything sub surface on account of the trouble and mess they would the deep summer grass of course, seems theres a ONLY a few really great weeks/yr to work it, perhaps only 3 PERFECT days in a whole year to ransack mega clad in the OH/IN clay belt to this magnitude, Early Spring, and Late Fall, cold windy drizzly and overcast days, flat grass, nobody else around, no kids or school, druggies are all otherwise engaged etc...the rest of the year, its protected by the deep grass, hard dirt, too many people, summer heat and bugs...
If either of you ever get up this way, we have a nice soft sandy loam, and some great big beaches that the F70 is killer on! In fact, hunting a beach at night completely dark using DP tones, a guy can flat fly!...Heres a big 14k chain I got with the 70 on a West MI beach my first year out with it...I have also been very interested in the Deus, I like really fast recovery rigs..I just dont know...I'd have to hold one and try it out to see if its got something that would make the 70 obsolete...
