The discussion of a detector, or user's, ability to tell the difference between aluminum and gold, came up on another forum here. I, like most, will say that there is just too many infinate varieties, shapes, sizes, and wads of aluminum, and too many infinate varieites of gold rings/jewelry, to ever have a way to "tell aluminum apart from gold".
However, one hunter made reference to a CD put out by "Tony Diana" which purports to have lessons on the Excalibur, to do just that! Has anyone listened to this CD, and does it, in fact, claim that a person can ...... with proper audio learning ..... tell the difference between aluminum and gold? I suspect that it does not. Because if there WERE a way to tell the items apart (even with ample room for mistakes), then why isn't anyone simply going out to junky blighted urban parks, and digging gold rings this way? For 30+ yrs. now, let's face it, hunters have passed aluminum, tabs, and other such low conductors in turfed parks. So if a method could be had to tell aluminum apart from gold, why not simply apply it to un-harvested zones like this?
I have heard people say, over the years, that they figure there's tone differences, because after they dig a gold ring, they say to themselves "that sounded different". When in fact what I think is happening, is the psychological trick of "selective memory". That is: everytime we stop to dig, we think to ourselves "this sounds different". But when it turns out to be junk, we forget our premonitions, and say to ourselves "yeah, come to think of it, it *did* sound kinda junky"
But when we finally find a gold ring, we THEN remember our premonitions and say to ourselves "aha! I knew it!" It's the same trick where we sometimes think our dreams at night come true, like when you hear that song you dreamt about, on the radio, that happens to come on the radio when you wake up. But in fact we dream hundreds of dreams per night, none of which comes true, and we promptly forget them all. But when one finally coincidentally DOES come true, we remember the dream, and think "aha! I'm psychic!" I believe the thinking of gold sounding different than aluminum, is the same thing, subconsciously.
If anyone has listend to Tony's CD, and if it does purport to have a system to tell aluminum apart from gold, then do-tell: does anyone think they could take these audio tricks, go out to junky land sites, and simply pass up aluminum (even if only *most* aluminum) and hone in on gold rings?
In the past, anytime I hear someone make the claim that there is sound differences, I invite them to join me in a junky park and show this. So far, no takers, and the claimants slink away. But if this CD claims that there is such a way, please chime in and let me know to what extent it claims can be done, and why, if it's true, no one is using it in turfed parks, for instance.
However, one hunter made reference to a CD put out by "Tony Diana" which purports to have lessons on the Excalibur, to do just that! Has anyone listened to this CD, and does it, in fact, claim that a person can ...... with proper audio learning ..... tell the difference between aluminum and gold? I suspect that it does not. Because if there WERE a way to tell the items apart (even with ample room for mistakes), then why isn't anyone simply going out to junky blighted urban parks, and digging gold rings this way? For 30+ yrs. now, let's face it, hunters have passed aluminum, tabs, and other such low conductors in turfed parks. So if a method could be had to tell aluminum apart from gold, why not simply apply it to un-harvested zones like this?
I have heard people say, over the years, that they figure there's tone differences, because after they dig a gold ring, they say to themselves "that sounded different". When in fact what I think is happening, is the psychological trick of "selective memory". That is: everytime we stop to dig, we think to ourselves "this sounds different". But when it turns out to be junk, we forget our premonitions, and say to ourselves "yeah, come to think of it, it *did* sound kinda junky"
If anyone has listend to Tony's CD, and if it does purport to have a system to tell aluminum apart from gold, then do-tell: does anyone think they could take these audio tricks, go out to junky land sites, and simply pass up aluminum (even if only *most* aluminum) and hone in on gold rings?
In the past, anytime I hear someone make the claim that there is sound differences, I invite them to join me in a junky park and show this. So far, no takers, and the claimants slink away. But if this CD claims that there is such a way, please chime in and let me know to what extent it claims can be done, and why, if it's true, no one is using it in turfed parks, for instance.