Pete in MI
New member
and kinda wished I could see them developed and make some money off them. Had an idea that I shared with Mike from MI about using those SD cards to put programs on for sharing with other users of the Minelab detectors. Read enough about the detector to come up with the idea and it seemed great. Contacted Minelab - Australia and they had me contact Minelab - USA. Contacted the President of the company and told him my idea. He agreed the idea was a very good one - but - he said other Minelab users had already made that suggestion. OK so it is a good idea and others have suggested it - wonder why they didn't do anything with it?
Had an idea for some janitorial equipment. Know it is something that would be an add on item for a certain type of cleaning equipment but well just don't know what to do with the idea. Have had lots of other ideas too.
I have been thinking about water detecting and thinking about safety. I think those who water detect in lakes with power water craft should have a flag - like the divers flag - to warn pwc to stay away. I have heard of several near misses to water detectorists so here is my idea in picture form:
[attachment 49131 MDer_Dive_Flag.jpg]
Talking to one of the club members who does silk screening lead to another near miss story, a bit of humor how this being so simple and so appropriate that it is probably illegal (to change the divers flag) in some governmental agency's eyes. He suggested maybe contacting someone that designs flags. CHecked one site and there is a $195 set up fee and then for 1 - 99 of these flags it would cost $23.95 each. So guess this isn't going to go anywhere either.
Not complaining that God is giving me ideas...just wished I knew where to go with them.
Oh well hope ya like the flag idea. Thought it would be kewl if we could even get them on T-shirts for those who water detect to show their aspect of this wonderful hobby.
Had an idea for some janitorial equipment. Know it is something that would be an add on item for a certain type of cleaning equipment but well just don't know what to do with the idea. Have had lots of other ideas too.
I have been thinking about water detecting and thinking about safety. I think those who water detect in lakes with power water craft should have a flag - like the divers flag - to warn pwc to stay away. I have heard of several near misses to water detectorists so here is my idea in picture form:
[attachment 49131 MDer_Dive_Flag.jpg]
Talking to one of the club members who does silk screening lead to another near miss story, a bit of humor how this being so simple and so appropriate that it is probably illegal (to change the divers flag) in some governmental agency's eyes. He suggested maybe contacting someone that designs flags. CHecked one site and there is a $195 set up fee and then for 1 - 99 of these flags it would cost $23.95 each. So guess this isn't going to go anywhere either.
Not complaining that God is giving me ideas...just wished I knew where to go with them.
Oh well hope ya like the flag idea. Thought it would be kewl if we could even get them on T-shirts for those who water detect to show their aspect of this wonderful hobby.